Catalogo Classificazione sm8 Collocazione sm8 Collocazione 541.34
Risultati 1 - 10 di 17
Metal complexes in solution : proceedings of the International school in metal complexes in solution : held at Porticello, Palermo, Italy, October 3-8, 1983
International School in Metal Complexes in Solution <1983 ; Palermo>
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The molecular theory of solutions
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The hydrated electron
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Diffusion in solids, liquids, gases
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Chemistry in non-aqueous solvents
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Mixtures : the theory of the equilibrium properties of some simple classes of mixtures solutions and alloys
Guggenheim, Edward Armand <1901-1970>
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Diffusion : Methoden der Messung und Auswertung
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Critical solution temperatures
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Solvent properties of amphiphilic compounds
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