Kozo Shinoda : Formation of micelles : An outline of the behavior of surface active agents in solution 1; Methods of measuring the critical micelle concentratios 9; The size and shape of micelles 16; The theory of micelle formation 25; The effect of molecular type on the critical micelle concentration 42; The effects of additives and salts on the critical micelle concentration 58; Surface activity 79; The formation of micelle in non-aqueous solution 80; References 88; Toshio Nakagawa, Kozo Shinoda : Physicochemical studies in acqueous solution of non-ionic surface active agents : Introduction 97; Critical micelle concentration 98; Micellar weight 112; Temperature dependence of critical micelle concentration and micellar weight 121; Clouding 129; Interaction with other substances 135; Other physicochemical properties 160; Purification and chromatography 163; Analysis 173; References 175; Bun-Ichi Tamamushi : Adsorption : Introduction 179; Adsorption at the solution-air and solution-oil interfaces 181; Adsorption at the solution-mercury interface 203; Adsorption at the solution-solid interface 216; Interaction of paraffin chain electrolytes with colloides 230; References 246; Toshizo Isemura : Monomolecular layers : Introduction 251; General aspects of monolayers 252; Experimental techniques 252; Monolayer studies of surface active agents 259; Surface activity of protein 270; Surface activity of synthetic polymers 274; Interaction at interface 281; Equation of states of ionized monolayers 284; References 288.