1. Origins of the quantum theory 1; 2. Some elements of modern wave mechanics 39; 3. Operators and uncertainty relations 71; 4. The wave mechanics of some simple systems 84; 5. The kinetics of radiative processes 110; 6. Angular momentum in quantum mechanics 128; 7. Systems with spherically symmetric potentials 143; 8. Introduction to the many-electron atom 172; 9.
Introduction to matrix theory 196; 10. Methods of approximating solutions to the Schrodinger wave equation 234; 11. Electron spin and the Pauli principle 267; 12. The elements of atomic structure 294; 13. The Hartree-Fock self-consistent-field method 341; 14. The elements of group theory 386; 15. Introduction to molecular structure 414; 16. Electronic structure of diatomic and linear polyatomic molecules 453; 17. Electronic structure of nonlinear polyatomic molecules 523; 18. Naive treatments of pi-electron systems 579; 19. Refined treatments of pi-electron systems 668; Appendixes 705; Name index 711; Subject index 718.