Catalogo Collocazione mr14 Classificazione mr14
Risultati 1 - 10 di 11
Structural control for civil and infrastructure engineering : proceedings of the 3. international workshop on structural control : Paris, France, 6-8 july 2000
International workshop on structural control <3. ; 2000 ; Parigi>
Risk, structural engineering and human error : proceedings of a Symposium on structural technology and risk : second university symposium, 18-21 July 1983, University of Waterloo, Institute for risk research
Symposium on structural technology and risk <2. ; 1983 ; Waterloo>
Fluidodinamica stocastica : atti 3. riunione Napoli 15-16 febbraio 1989
Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata : Gruppo di meccanica stocastica
Methods of stochastic structural mechanics : proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on Stochastic methods in structurals mechanics, Department of structural mechanics, University of Pavia : Pavia, Italy, August 24-27, 1985
International workshop on Stochastic methods in structural mechanics <2 ; 1985 ; Pavia>
Stochastic methods in structural mechanics : proceedings of the International workshop on Stochastic methods in structural mechanics : Department of structural mechanics, University of Pavia : Pavia, Italy, June 9-12, 1983
International workshop on Stochastic methods in structural mechanics <1983 ; Pavia>